© Copyright 2012 Cambridge Swiss SocietyContact us

About us
We provide a platform for Swiss people and people interested in Switzerland to meet, fostering interactions. We also advise Swiss members of the University about study and life in Cambridge.
Become a Member
Are you Swiss or interested in meeting Swiss people and learning about Swiss culture? It's easy to get involved, just subscribe to our mailing list and turn up at our next event!
Join our Events
We regularly organise events ranging from Fondue Dinners through Samichlaus Parties to cosy Pub Nights with Jass, and we would love to see you there!
The initials of the Cambridge Swiss Society form an apple. It is the apple of William Tell and Isaac Newton, emblematic figures of Switzerland and Cambridge respectively. The stem is an arrow, the arrow from William's bow and the arrow of Newton's gravity force. The apple is red and white, colours of the Swiss flag, whilst the leaves are green like the green lawns of Cambridge... All things merge to bring a new meaning!